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Holiday Greetings--2020/21

We are ready to start sharing with others!

Thank you again for visiting the Panda Bridge Builders Society website! Challenges from the Covid-19 pandemic have meant delays to setting all up and launching. However, no time seems better then the holiday season to begin. All of the world at this time of year celebrates one or another holiday. It is a time of hope, looking ahead with hope and dreams for better times ahead. Also, it is to be thankful for all that we have in our lives and to look at ways to share with others who may not have as much. That is universal, cross-cultural and makes the world a smaller place. We all have something to give that benefits others. It may not seem like much to the one who gives but may be the world to the one who receives.

Panda Bridge Builders will highlight opportunities for individuals to "be the world" for others. The opportunities will require no previous knowledge, experience or anything but a concern for others and desire to help make dreams and efforts of others become reality and/or expand ongoing efforts to benefit more individuals. There will be opportunities in different countries as the details are set. The first ones are now available (December 2020) and focus on Ukraine. Mongolia and Korea are soon to join the list. Each opportunity is people-to-people, individuals known to Panda Bridge Builders. This provides the best outline of need, the best distribution of any aid provided, the best direct and timely communication for all involved. Donations of items that may not be plentiful will be encouraged. (Panda Bridge Builders can assist with shipping). Volunteer options will be featured as well--many that require no foreign language or knowledge--only a heart to join in.

Ukraine is the country with the first opportunities. While it has a long history, it has only been a free land for 30 years. It is still overcoming much from being part of the former soviet union which controlled every aspect of life. Many social needs where left when it no suddenly longer existed. Sadly, old thought and life patterns do not always change in a short period of time. A number of segments of society are without all that makes for the best life. This is especially so for the youngest, the oldest, the poorest, the homeless, the displaced and social orphans. Many needs of these groups are being addressed by individuals or organisations (with varying levels of impact) instead of national and/or local governments in Ukraine. Panda Bridge Builders Society is working with individuals and organisations in Ukraine for each of the categories mentioned. You are invited to join in making a difference.

Social orphans often find themselves in society after age 16 or 18 with little support or training to live full lives. It is hard to survive on the meager assistance that is provided from government. Many social orphans have despair and lack hope. The results often are turning to crime, substance abuse, major health issues or worse. However, if social orphans are given hope, life and social skills training, encouragement, housing and connected to those who are committed to making certain these are available, amazing results are seen. Panda Bridge Builder individuals have been involved in such activities for over 15 years with partners in the city of Lviv (largest city in western Ukraine). These have been from young children through adults and in the city and countryside.

IDPs (Internal Displaced Persons) are from Ukrainian areas now occupied by Russia in its war against Ukraine, ongoing since 2014. They had to leave Donbas or Crimea suddenly and with little or nothing they owned. Many moved hundreds even 1000 kilometres away from all known. Although being Ukrainian, they speak Russian as mother (and often only) language. Many gave up careers and full lives for safety but uncertain futures. While they were welcomed initially in many new areas in 2014; the ongoing war and continuing IDP reality have seen this welcome shrink greatly--from governments and individuals. (Imagine suddenly having to leave Florida or Georgia and relocate to Ohio or Pennsylvania without any guarantee or knowledge of what awaited). Individuals from Panda Bridge Builders have been working with partners in Ivano-Frankivsk and Lviv for several years. This has also been with the youngest to senior citizens. Their struggles are real and stories of survival inspiring.

Rehabilitation for individuals who are overcoming substance abuse, physical or social development challenges, plus the homeless and hopeless are big needs in Ukraine. Again, the legacy of the soviet union is one of these not being met. Fortunately, there are individuals and organizations actively working to provide what is lacking. Many of the ongoing efforts are only able to meet with the participants periodically and lack facilities for ongoing or real time interaction. A small number of committed, caring individuals can make a major difference in many lives. A number of initiatives in the cities of Uzhhorod and Lviv known to Panda Bridge Builders individuals for many years would be very happy to share opportunities for others to be involved.

Initiatives mentioned above are with faith-based and non-faith-based individuals or organisations in the Ukrainian cities of Lviv, Uzhhorod and Ivano-Frankivsk. In addition, there is a young lady in Kyiv involved in ministry, making a positive difference known to Panda Bridge Builders. She is also open to supporters. As with the other opportunities mentioned, communication and information will be current and available. These are only a few outlines. For more on any or all of these, please contact us: or use Contact Us. You can make a BIG difference in the lives of many in Ukraine in a variety of ways. More countries to come. Thank you again. Malcolm