On 24 February 2022, the Russian military launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine beyond the areas (Donbas and Crimea) that Russia had invaded and occupied since 2014. Multiple attacks in northern, eastern and southern Ukraine were made simultaneously with tanks, aircraft, missiles, rockets and without regard to non-combatants (civilians) or non-military targets. Vladimir Putin and his Russian military "experts" proved that they did not know anything about Ukraine or Ukrainians. Despite having significant advantages in numbers of troops and materiel, the Russian military failed miserably to achieve and hold objectives, especially on the ground. Ukrainians in the areas attacked began to flee westward. They left with usually only what could be carried or worn to an uncertain destination, an uncertain life and uncertain if they would ever be able to return home. Husbands, fathers, sons, brothers and nephews said farewell to wives, children and other family and friends as they had to remain in Ukraine if under 60 for homeland defence. As the world learned and saw more daily, individuals, nations and organisations joined together to help Ukraine. Over 10 million Ukrainians became displaced--almost half of that number going to over 30 nations in Europe and beyond. It was the biggest movement of people since the end of World War II.
The Russian inability to obtain military objectives (Kyiv, Mariupol, Kharkiv, Irpen, Bucha, Sumy and more) resulted in wholesale targeting and of civilians and non-military targets. Cities were constantly attacked with rockets, bombs, missiles and long-range artillery. Many have been totally destroyed of buildings and infrastructure. Civilians were routinely detained, kidnapped, beaten and executed for no reason. Schools, clinics were destroyed--often even those clearly identified as non-military and with children or other non-combatants. Russian military is guilty of war crimes under direction of Putin via their local commanders. There will be much to document for prosecution of war crimes.
There are a number of worthy bridge building opportunities (with MANY more to come). This will make their efforts known to a much wider audience than at present. Panda Bridge Builders Society will link to opportunities to help them raise funds, volunteers and/or awareness. All are based on personal relationships and from efforts that we have, and continue to witness first-hand. There are faith-based and secular opportunities. More information on any or all is gladly provided. Contacts in opportunities will gladly communicate with you and keep you updated. Sending/receiving donations of funds or materiel securely, timely and directly is possible. It does matter where you are reading this from in the world. Stay tuned as opportunities will be constantly added. Thank you!